Monthly Archives: December 2016

12/25/2016 – New board announced

Open Pinball Project (OPP) Announces the Release of the critically acclaimed Power Supply Filter Board
For immediate release:

Westford, MA, Dec 25,2016 /PRNewswire/ — Open Pinball Project, the world’s least expensive provider for DIY pinball controllers, proudly announces the Power Supply Filter Board (Part#1018).  It features three huge capacitors for getting the biggest bang out of your cheap 48V switched mode power supplies (SMPS) bought directly from Ebay.  The bulk capacitors can be split into two separate voltages, or can be combined as a single voltage with 24.6mF of capacitance.  (That’s a lot of Farads!)

To reduce in-rush current, two NTC Thermistors can be populated.  The board features the ability to enable/disable the power supplies, processor feedback on the supply status, and high voltage active LEDs to make sure know when there’s danger.

As always, parts must be purchased separately, and assembly is required.

“This card has everything I could ever want” – Hugh (long time OPP supporter)


“I bought a competitor’s board at 5 times the price, and yeah, it was great, but really, 5 times more expensive.  Are they trying to get blood from a stone?” -anonymous

All kidding aside, the board is designed and laid out.  The schematic/PCB can be found in the repository.  I’ll send out for the boards in a week or two, and after testing, they will be available at Mezel Mods for $5.  There are about $15 in parts to populate the board in the most expensive configuration, so for about $20, you can really get the best use out of those 48V power supplies on Ebay.  Should be a lot easier than trying to create a proto-board to do the same thing.

Here is a quick PCB screen capture:


PCB layout for power filter boad

To receive the board and test it will probably take about a month or a little more since I’m designing another card right now, and want to save on the shipping.  Why do the NTC Thermistors go off the board?  That little bit of space savings allows me to get two boards in each 10cm x 10cm PCB.  That is a significant amount of savings.

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope that all their pinball creating dreams become reality next year.


12/4/2016 – New video on playfield wiring

As is evidenced, I can barely keep track of one blog.  Well, on Sunday I tossed up a new video on the Youtube channel.  I forgot to mention it here, so people who follow the blog but don’t follow the youtube channel might not have noticed it.  Sorry.